Thursday, June 24, 2010

In 2010 I ... had the dreamiest outdoor dinner

Dreamy outdoor dinner photos speak for themselves:

The Tavola Fresca dinner table

Genoa salami with mango on endive

Hand-pressed pasta with pesto and olive oil

Rabbit with vegetables

Swiss chard with garlic and anchovy

Honey-lavender biscotti

This gorgeous meal was shared with dinner club and a few new friends in a backyard garden on a seriously hot June night.

It was also Carissa's final send-off before her New Zealand adventure, which may just lead to an international adventure for some of us, too.


  1. Your pictures are amazing...I'm missing that stupidly hot weather!

  2. Thanks! I was pleasantly surprised with how they came out as well, considering I just had the lil camera, not the big guns.

    And while I'm not missing the weather (it's gotten hotter - can you believe that's possible?!) we are all missing you!
