Oh babies. Seriously, scarily, rapidly taking over the world. However, I believe (wish/hope/pray) this is the last new addition for at least a little while. And while he may have been last, Felix is certainly not least, as his mom, Jessie, is a life-long friend. I'm fairly certain I've known J longer than any other friend - we grew up just blocks apart. We might have first joined forces around 5 years old, and it's been a whirlwind of chaos and ridiculous behavior ever since. Teenage angst, obsessive movie watching, learning to drive, terrorizing our parents, moving to college (glamorous
NY/antithesis of glamor Winona), moving back home, moving out again, getting jobs. And those few milestones don't even begin to cover all the little details collected over 20+ years. (J had a terrible
tie-dye stage. Honestly, I'm not sure she's been fully cured.)
J's husband Mike, J, and me at Brother's in Winona many, many years ago. But this isn't about her. It's about Mr. Felix:

(Unfortunately I had to steal these pictures, because even though I've managed not to lose my camera (again) I have yet to locate the battery charger. Ugh.)
Anyway, Felix is an adorable little bundle of cuteness ... that I'm incredibly thankful went home with J instead of me. I have a feeling she's pretty happy about that, too.