So I was doubly surprised when Morgan and Jennie planned a surprise dinner party for me (surprise 1) and that I really, truly enjoyed the surprise (2!). J invited me to a seemingly casual dinner to include M & Eli, and I had been looking forward to the low-key evening for days. M harassed me about cooking ideas (I crave, he cooks) until I suggested Italian, specifically gnocchi. (I know, I know ... no easy task.)
Late as usual, I almost fell over entering J & E's house to see Alex, Beth and Eric shouting "Surprise!" I was seriously confused for a solid minute as to who the surprise was for. Ha. While I didn't have a camera on me, I hope a few shots from others (before a smattering of Violet's carrots ended up all over my shirt) surface soon. And I can't speak for all, but I grossly over-indulged in M's delicious antipasto, A's scrumptious salad, J & E's incredible manicotti (recipe, please!), M's handmade gnocchi, and B & E's awesome cookies. But, the pièces de résistance was undoubtedly my gift:

Thank you doesn't even begin to cover it, as so much more than thanks is due to a group who could ease my mind about the impending birthday. But in lieu of a better sentiment, thank you so very, very much.