Monday, April 12, 2010

In 2010 I ... fell in love with the Varsity, again.

Just when I think I can't have any more love for the Varsity, they go and make it even better! It had been a few months since my last Varsity trip, and I knew construction was in the works, but it wasn't like they clued me in to how fantastic they were planning to make it. A huge balcony overlooking this area:

is now open for show viewing. While not the best show-going experience - the mood is just really mellow up there - it's perfect if you aren't up for being in the thick of the crowd, which wasn't really an option before. (The bathrooms are also pretty amazing, which sounds creepy until you see them for yourself.)

Diana, Laura, Niki, Ryan and I saw this renovation on Friday at the xx show.

Diana and Laura at the show

I've become pretty obsessed with this band over the past few months, and the show was great, although we all agreed we were waiting for the rock-out moment that just never came. (I think our hopes were a bit naive, however, since the xx doesn't really rock out, per se.) They did end with a pretty stellar light show:

After the show I ran quick like a bunny to an equally exciting event across town: a party at Jennie and Eli's Naughty Pine. Plus, at the stroke of midnight it became an early b-day celebration for Jess.

Birthday girl love meets party host love

Nothing beats the first NP party of the season. It's a sure sign spring has sprung!

Justin with my doggy boyfriend, Boe

C displaying the aftermath

A busy start to a beautiful weekend. And with spring in full swing, a toast to many gorgeous weekends to follow.

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