Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In 2010 I ... journeyed to Rochester for the Indigo Girls

On a Tuesday. Seriously. That's a lot of love. But my sister and I have loved the Indigo Girls for a very, very long time.

Drinks were a mere $3. Amazing! Seriously, southern MN has it figured out.

We had great seats, on the middle aisle somewhere around the 5th row. Which were honestly better than our "front row" seats several years ago at the State. (Although those tickets were free, so maybe Rochester and Mpls are even here.)

Amy and Emily. Kind of like Amanda and Emily, no?

So the girls have a new album out, hence the tour to the epicenter of music and culture, but I couldn't really care less about that. A and I just wanted to hear our songs. Granted there are probably 15+ of those, but they did a decent job of ticking off our list. Missing, however, were some of my absolute faves like Devotion and Leaving. (In linking these I just discovered they are from 1992. '92! I was 9.)

We had a great time - especially during the sing-alongs - and basically all of Rochester being in attendance made for a very engaged crowd, too. After a bleary-eyed drive home, though, I'm not sure we'll be making another mid-week road trip anytime soon.

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