Sunday, January 31, 2010

In 2010 I ... went to my first Metal Show

I like a lot of music. I'm very open to listening to new music. I love going to shows. But metal music and metal shows ... hmm. Metal hasn't exactly been on my radar before. Ever. So when a friend's metal band was playing at the Hexagon on Friday, my interest was piqued. Plus I'd never been to Hexagon before, which just seemed wrong.

A metal-enthusiast friend told me in advance that our friend's band was very talented musically, which turned out to be true. It's just the lyric yelling I can't get behind. (The neon orange ear plugs being sold behind the bar was another sign this genre might not become my music mainstay.) I did truly enjoy myself and am glad to have added metal show attendance to my show checklist.

It might have also been a bit more shocking considering the contrast between these guys and Caroline Smith and the Goodnight Sleeps, the first show we saw Friday at the Kitty Kat Club.

I love this venue and it was a perfect spot for a band with such a sweet, melodic sound. They've been on my to-see list for awhile, and I'm already looking forward to tracking them down at any outdoor venue this summer ... they'd be perfect on a blanket with a beer when it's finally warm again.


  1. As a testiment to how out of character this is for you, my initial thought was you went to an art show specifically for metal pieces. I was looking forward to seeing pictures of metal sculptures.

  2. So funny! Now I suppose I'll have to make a trek to the Walker as soon as the snow is melted for a post to satisfy your sculptural needs.
